Transition to Solids
Caregiver & Me Class
Preventing Picky Eating
Sensory Play
Food Safety
Spoon vs. Self Feeding
Tips and Tricks
Introducing solids to your little one can be a challenging journey. At Tumble ‘N Dots we understand!
We invite you to join our Transition to Solids Group Class, led by an expert Occupational Therapist specializing in feeding, tailored specifically for parents who are facing hurdles in this transition.
Through the use of sensory play and exposure, using a hybrid of purees, and baby led weaning approaches, you will learn the best practices for introducing solids to your little one, and promoting healthy eating habits.
Connect with other caregivers and share experiences in a supportive environment.
Class Dates and Topics:
- Class #1: September 19th – The Basics of Starting Solids
- Class #2: September 26th – The Importance of Sensory Play
- Class #3: October 5th – Spoon Feeding vs. Self Feeding
- Class #4: October 12th – Presenting Foods Safely
- Class #5: October 19th – Preventing Picky Eating
- Class #6: October 26th – Importance of Repeated Exposure
Things to Know:
- Fit for kids ages 6 months to 24 months.
- Classes meet every Tuesday from 10am to 11am.
- Up to 4 kids in a class.
- You must commit to the full 6 week program.
- Costs: Full cost of the 6-week series is $300.
- Cancellations:
- Cancellations occurring 7 or more days before group start will be refunded at 90%.
- Cancellations occurring less than 7 days before group start will not be refunded.
- Your child should be demonstrating readiness signs, including showing some interest in food, have independent head/neck control, and are mostly stable in sitting.
Class Signup Form
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