Description of the 17 SIPT Tests

The Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT) measure the sensory integration processes that underlie learning and behavior. By showing you how children organize and respond to sensory input, SIPT helps pinpoint specific organic problems associated with learning disabilities, emotional disorders, and minimal brain dysfunction.

Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT) Descriptions

1. Space Visualization (SV) – In this puzzle-like test, the child indicates which of two forms will fit a formboard. This test measures visual perception and mental rotation of

2. Figure-Ground Perception (FG) – The child points to pictures which are hidden among other pictures. This test measures how well a child visually perceives a figure
against a rival background.

3. Manual Form Perception (MFP) – The child identifies unusual shapes held in the hand. This test measures tactile perception and visual perception.

4. Kinesthesia (KIN) – The child attempts to put his/her finger in the same place the therapist had previously placed it. This test assesses the sense of arm position and

5. Finger Identification (FI) – The child points to his/her finger in the same place the therapist touched. This test measures tactile perception.

6. Graphesthesia (GRA) – The child draws with a finger the same simple design the therapist drew on the back of the child’s hand. This test measures tactile perception
and motor planning.

7. Localization of Tactile Stimuli (LTS) – The child points to the spot where the therapist had lightly touched the child’s arm or hand with a pen. This test measures
tactile perception.

8. Praxis on Verbal Command (PrVC) – The child executes a series of coordinated movements which have been described verbally. This test assesses ability to translate
verbal descriptions into various postures.

9. Design Copying (DC) – The child copies a series of increasingly complex line drawings, following detailed instructions. This test measures two-dimensional
constructional praxis and visuomotor coordination.

10. Constructional Praxis (CPr) – The child builds with blocks, using structures built by the therapist as models. This test measures three-dimensional constructional praxis.

11. Postural Praxis (PPr) – In this test, the child imitates unusual body postures demonstrated by the therapist. The ability to conceptualize, plan, and execute
movements is assessed.

12. Oral Praxis (OPr) – The child imitates movements of the tongue, lips, and jaw. The ability to plan and execute facial movements is assessed.

13. Sequencing Praxis (SPr) – The child imitates a series of simple hand and finger movements. This test measures bilateral coordination and the ability to plan and
execute sequential movements.

14. Bilateral Motor Coordination (BMC) – The child imitates a series of arm and foot movements. This test evaluates the ability to coordinate the two sides of the body.

15. Standing and Walking Balance (SWB) – The child holds various standing and walking postures, with eyes open and eyes closed. This test reflects integration of
sensations from gravity and proprioceptors.

16. Motor Accuracy (Mac) – In this test, the child draws a line on top of a long, curving printed line. Visuomotor coordination and motor planning are measured.

17. Postrotary Nystagmus (PRN) – The child is rotated clockwise and counterclockwise on a rotation board. This test measures processing of vestibular sensory input.